Armor 1991© Brad Sanders PO Box 1205 Lawrence, KS 66044 AOL: Midnight13 This program is shareware, if you like it please send 10$. Registered users will receive the Desert Storm version of the game (the Desert Storm version has the same interface but the units and the enemy are quite different) and complete rules and hints for both. If you are interested in programing color games I am selling the source code for 25$. It contains all you need to know to use color screens, color icons, color offscreen pixmaps and a whole lot more !! I will also include Balloon Writer, the application I used to create all the help balloons in my program. If you are using System 7 I have included full help balloons for Armor, and something really cool. . .choose “show balloons” from the help menu then position the cursor over the Armor icon while in the finder. I have also put an icon for the disk you keep the game on. It is located in the resource fork (use ResEdit) under the cicn resource and is number 151. If you have some feedback or a suggestion I would like to here what you have to say. Please send me mail or contact me on America Online at Midnight13. I would like to Thank AFCMacFun for all of his encouragement and especially John Calhoun for being my program Guru. The rules of Assault are simple and easy to learn. The game is played on a gameboard that is divided into a grid that is 15x 9. 0 to 15 across the top and 0 to 9 along the side. The object of the game is to destroy and occupy the space of the German headquarters (which is the building in the middle on the far right side). The key to winning is to move into the space after you have destroyed the headquarters. Set Up: Before you begin you should check the set up menu and select the game you would like to play. There are two sections to the dialog that allow you to play the game with various arrangements. On the left side is the type of platoon you will command. The tank platoon is made up of 5 Sherman tanks, 2 Stuart tanks and supporting infantry units. The recon platoon is made up of 4 Stuart tanks and supporting infantry units. The Infantry platoon is made up of mainly infantry units with supporting Stuart tanks. On the right side is the difficulty level of the enemy (the icons that change below it indicate the rank of the opposing commander). Movement Phase: In this phase you move your units according to the game board grid. There is two ways to move your units. One is to click the cursor on the unit you would like to move and while holding down on the mouse button move your piece. The other way is to hit the tab key to select a unit then use the arrow keys to move the corresponding directions. When done moving the unit, click the tab key again to select the next unit. Colored squares surround the units when you click on them. If your unit has movement points left then the square will be black, if it has run out of movement points the color will be red. Other colors will appear if you try to select a unit that is not yours. When you click on a unit the status window (selected under the options menu) shows you the attack strength, defense strength and the number of movement points left for that piece. The terrain cost work in this manner: it costs 1 point to move the piece plus what ever the terrain cost. For example if an Stuart light tank with 4 movement points left moves forward one space through sand (sand costs one movement point) it will cost him 2 points so at the end of the move he will have 2 points left. After moving all of your units select the DONE item from the options menu. Fire Phase: The start of this phase is marked by a close air support phase. This is to simulate air support called in by the infantry. To designate where you would like the plane to attack you must click on the target unit for it to attack on the game grid. The plane will never destroy a target it only weakens its defense strength so that your units will have a better chance at destroying it. After the plane attacks you may attack with your individual units. To fire a particular unit first click on the unit you would like to fire and then click on the target you would like to hit. Everything is automatic, the program calculates range and rolls a die (the combat window in the lower right shows you the range, the number you need to roll and the number that was actually rolled) if you hit then then the computer rolls again to see if you penetrate. If the unit penetrates then the enemy is destroyed. Registered users will receive a more detailed account of how all of this works. Range plays an important role in this process, the farther you are the harder it is to hit. After firing all of your units select the DONE item from the options menu. German Phase Now it is the German turn to attack. The German uses his bunkers and machine gun nests to his best effect. The range rule and all other hitting processes also apply to the Germans. After this it will be the your movement phase again. I hope that you enjoy this game. -- Brad Sanders